Letters February 4, 2025: 'Mexico deserves credit for the pause on tariffs.'

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Viva la Mexico
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Before Captain Canada and his team of heroes start taking credit for standing up to President Trump and backing him down, keep in mind it was actually the president of Mexico that deserves the credit. There’s a big difference between promising 10,000 troops to your northern border to secure it and leasing a couple of Blackhawk helicopters for a few months along with a few drones to patrol our southern one. Problem is that ever since Trudeau shot his mouth off disrespecting Trump at that G7 meeting a few years ago, President Trump, who has a long memory, has considered Trudeau a moron. He’s not wrong. Canada needs, no DESERVES, an election now! Not in a few months while the Liberals try and get their shite together.?
John Hancock?
(Trudeau doesn’t deserve any credit for a positive outcome.)
An election would fix it
Another way of looking at this tariffs’ disaster in this nation: let’s hope the Central Canadian electorate will be fully awake on election day. In doing so, they would vote in a fully functioning and competent government in Ottawa. It’s time to kick dysfunction and incompetency to the curb. Ten years is far too long for utter insanity to lead this nation down a hopeless and darkened dead-end street, going nowhere fast.
Donald K. Munroe
(A spring election appears to be in the cards.)
Words of wisdom
John Kennedy once said Canada’s geography has made us neighbors, history has made us friends, and economics has made us partners while necessity has made us allies. Ronald Reagan stated we can look forward to the day when all borders become what the US-Canadian border has been a meeting place rather than a dividing line. Tariffs by either side are not the answer. Our friendship shouldn’t be torn apart by unrealistic demands so please listen to the words of these very wise men from the past, Eh!
Peter J. Middlemore Sr.
(Very little of this seems to be guided by much wisdom.)
Zero obstacles Canada
At some point, Canada may ask Alberta to restrict oil going to America. This should not, and will not, even be considered. Unless the Government of Canada both authorizes, with zero obstacles, and finances the construction of both the Northern Gateway pipeline to the Pacific and a new Energy East pipeline to the Atlantic. It’s time for Team Canada to start acting like Team Canada!
Chris Robertson
(They would have to give up the popular pastime of ‘blame Alberta’.)
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